Friday, June 07, 2002

Yesterday someone mentioned about getting married. This sets me thinking, that imagining in about 10 years time, how will everything be? You just visualise it yourself. Now, time and again, people go steady and break up, i am sure you all understand what i mean. When it comes to this age when it is suitable to get married, you are with this gf/bf of yours, won't the feeling of this relationship being a short-term one, or rather just a fling comes in? A marriage is a long term event, such that there is no going back, of course not including the factor of divorce, which sucks of course. It's like i really can't imagine myself of now, doing the same things that i am doing now in 10 years time. It's like asking the other half to go steady is easy, they will just agree because most probably they want to try it as well. forward to the process of being together for some time...hmmz...okok now i get it. As i am typing the previous line, i guess i got it. Long term... ber and eunice just popped into my head. I haven't actually gotten to that kind of stage. Guess only time will tell.


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