Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Finished reading the book...

There were many parts of the book that struck me deeply. It would make a great literature text because it's so psychological.
Anyway, there's this part that i would like to share here...

And then she said, "Did it make you sad to find this out?"
And i asked, "Find what out?"
And she said, "Did it make you upset to find out that your mother and Mr. Shears had an affair?"
And i said, "No."
And she said, "Are you telling the truth, Christopher?"
And then i said, "I always tell the truth."
And she said, "I know you do, Christopher. But sometimes we get sad about things and we don't like to tell other people that we are sad about them. We like to keep it a secret. Or sometimes we are sad but we don't really know we are sad. So we say we aren't sad. But really we are."
And i said, "I'm not sad."
And she said, "If you do start to feel sad about this, I want you to know that you can come and talk to me about it. Because I think talking to me will help you feel less sad. And if you don't feel sad but you just want to talk to me about it, that would be OK, too. Do you understand?"
And i said, "I understand."
And she said, "Good."
And i replied, "But i don't feel sad about it. Because Mother is dead. And because Mr. Shears isn't around anymore. So i would be feeling sad about something that isn't real and doesn't exist. And that would be stupid."


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