Thursday, October 27, 2005

The "battle" between Xiaxue and the 2 persons(I guess i shouldn't state their names in fear of being sue for slander or whatsoever) is very amusing and ironically, emotionally very taxing. I think for once i have to side with Xiaxue. I can't believe anyone is taking so much freaking care about a scenario concerning toilets for disabled.

Like hello... it's just a toilet...

I mean... if you want to use a toilet, i can lend you mine......

Come on man... Xiaxue's point that she's merely using them because she likes using them and there wasn't any disabled around is clearly sufficient and very reasonable. I DO use toilets for disabled too because i like my own privacy and i like large spaces also and i don't have the stress of whether anyone is judging whether i am pee-ing the right way or not.

And... if any disabled comes along, and desperately needs to use the toilet. I swear... even if the rest of the pee has to go down my legs, i would let him/her use the toilet.

What's up with the big fuss?

And "that guy's" emails to the companies really do cross the line. Xiaxue and her blog definitely creates all the publicity to enough readers to generate such endorsement deals and those are her business, she earns from them and she's happy and the companies would be happy when more people go to them and these are their businesses too... so why does that guy have to chup ji ka into their businesses? Like as though he knows her or that he feels that there's a need to "rescue" all the blogders that read her blog. Hey dude... if you got so much time, why not come find me and i will bring you to the botak and you can help me explain to him how screwed up he is.

It is really tiring to keep on seeing people make war because of conflicting ideas or opinions...

Like come on... LET IT GO.......


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