Saturday, October 28, 2006

I am still comp-less. I think they tried calling me today when i was playing Captain's ball. Hopefully i am able to collect it on monday... and i've decided to do away with the data recovery thing. It's bloody expensive la.

Who pays 600 bucks to recover 70% of the stuff? Somemore it is in the raw format, meaning there won't be any names for the files and documents.

And guess the cost for 90% recovery... 2000 fricking buckeroos!!

I can play dota for a thousand hours for that kind of money man...

Well... going to slowly retrieve back the missing photos... achievable la... then looking at it positively, it is also a chance for me to reconstruct the contents of my comp. Too much rubbish inside already. And to think that i was thinking of clearing the useless stuff off my comp the other day, the harddisk crashed and helped me to make my decision faster.

Bought an 80 gig harddisk... an improvement from my old lousy 60 gig harddisk that crashed and died suddenly without reason... at a relatively cheap price from sim lim too... so all's good...

Just got to say i've learnt my lesson well... gonna go back up my data in cds the next time.

The luckiest thing is perhaps right now i don't have any unfinished essay that was in the spoilt harddisk... or important school work... perhaps just the JS draft which thankfully i've printed it out. If need i can always copy and retype it.

Need to make a trip down to the data recovery company in ubi also... but i don't know what i can do with it. Perhaps curse and swear at it and then maybe try to bite it.


Today went to school for Arts Open. I only realised over there that i can actually jio Vincent they all to come and play in the 5v5 street soccer... cos the rule states only need 1 NUS FASS student. Bleah... and i went to look at the standards... not half as good as our opponents in bishan... but maybe it will be different la... with the heat and sun and there isn't wall surrounding the court...

So anyway... Was in the Captain's Ball competition with Kenneth, Bryant, Terence, Many, Shimin, Alison and Huijuan. We were called "How now brown cow"!!! It's damn corny right... haha... then we were played 3 matches... we lost 2 so we thought we are out of the semis, but apparently other teams also lost 2 and won 1... and somehow our points better so we got through. But we lost at that stage.

However, we played better and better la yea... watch out for us next year man!! Szu Han's team damn good la... don't know whether they won the finals or not... but yup had lots of fun... even though i am chao ta now... and we learnt plenty of stuff about Captain's ball.


The Philo 2nd essay is starting to dawn upon me. The monstrosity of it... the evilness of it... arghhh... i shall not succumb to the dark side and will attempt to my best possible ability to conjure up a good essay.

I've got a week. Fellow friends... lend me all your strength...


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