Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I've often taken a lot of things for granted.

I have always believed things will always be successful, and somehow missing the part whereby something bad happens.

Like I have never thought of the day when my printer might explode suddenly. Or maybe my bed might collapse. Or maybe the brakes of my car fail. Or perhaps the sinking of Singapore.

Oh well... It never fails to sadden me how smoothly my life has gone(hah!) and how inadept I am to failings and disappointments.

But I have surely toughen up over the years. I treat disappointments/sad stuff more lightly now. Well... i promise i won't cry if my car plate breaks in half, or my comp died and i don't know which stuff to install first, or someone says my shit ain't lame enough.

Trying to regain my original impressive list of favourites, but somehow my memory isn't that good. Been trying to link here and there but I see it more as a sign for me to surf the net lesser and spend more time on my books.

Got back my comp today. It's entirely brand new. Yea brand new as in totally empty inside. An empty shell. Okay maybe not empty. It boots up and... well... there's a program that lets me surf the net. And basically that. Or maybe you can say it's like my PS without its games and the memory card. Or maybe a Mahjong table without the tiles.

Well... at this stage i would say perhaps it's about 60% restored.

Irony is that the most important stuff aren't in yet. There are some stuff that I've lost forever. Yet i believe i've uploaded or posted them somewhere, but laziness only permits me to form this pessimistic view. So i shall keep it at that. If you can find it for me, then i will be grateful yea. Like for example the photo of me, chris, terry and zhihao taken at big splash. Like some of the photos I took with my organ class. Like some of the crazy photos i took of myself or others.

Maybe i should see it as a clearance of space. Good riddance to unnecessary stuff. Some memories just keep it in the heart and mind can liao.

Haha... see... I am taking things better in my stride already... =)


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