The problem with the Lost people is that they don't share things with each other.
Everyone's like having secrets of their own and... they all have their own SERIOUS psychological problems. They are too concerned about their inner problems to actually solve the actual problems. But then again, they are probably too freaked out from that plane crash and monsters and THE OTHERS.
OH. So that's what Lost is about.
It's pretty freaky to have so many people on the same plane who are mentally warped.
I get pissed looking at Claire screaming and screaming and SCREAMING because she can't stay calm. Pissed cos Hurley is this guy with super low self esteem who can't help feeling sorry for himself and fearing people hate him. Pissed cos Sawyer is doing all kinds of unreasonable things so that others will hate him because somehow in his mind he enjoys that. Pissed cos Charlie can't explain things clearly to others.
Pissed cos Anna killed Shannon cos Shannon's a hot babe. =p
Thing is... I really HATE it... utterly, when people cannot stay calm.
But then again, it is only a show.
Sometimes when we watch too much shows, we start to behave like the characters. We start to talk like them, with the pauses and the WAY-TOO-LONG-LOOKS into the eyes. And we start to do things THEIR way.
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