I know a thing about sounds and music, their effects on overall effects, but still i get frightened by sudden booms and bangs.
Anyway, my heart felt a pang when i watched how the plot slowly develops in Lost 3 and Charlie came to accept the fact that he must die.
I knew he was going to die in season 3 because i wiki on it. But, it didn't feel much then. Charlie is a major character like Jack, Kate, Sawyer or Locke... and he isn't like Shannon or Boone or Eko who were more minor.
Haha pretty weird to be writing somewhat like a testimonial for him, but i am sure viewers have developed a sense of relationship to this badboy ex-heroine-addict/driveshaft guitarist. His accent will be sorely missed. =x
And i went to read up on Dominic's(the actor's real name) and also the producers opinions and response to the killing of the "Charlie", and well... i thought it is a good and apt way. Desmond's flashes and predictions got to come true and like what they say, if Charlie isn't killed off, it would leave a bad taste in our mouths.
I don't know how i will feel if i am in his shoes. 3 whole seasons leh... i am sure the crew and cast are your friends and having worked with them for so long, leaving and suddenly "out of work" will feel weird. But i guess that's how it's like in the world. People got to move on to other projects, other stuff, and they don't simply stay in their comfort zone.
That part when Hurley offered to come along with Desmond and Charlie, and Charlie knowing that he must go alone with Desmond made him called Hurley "too big" was depressing. The fact that he was so resigned to fate and had to resort to hurting his friend takes the icing for "Most Emo scene". And then he went on to hug Hurley... which was definitely tear-jerking.
Ah well... funny how you feel so bonded to a fictional character in a drama series.
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