Priestess of the Moon! My new favourite hero. Last night's games were ownage. MUAHAHAHA!
Have been reading Watchmen for the past few days. The way the story's written is very dissimilar to other superheroes. This one touches a lot on past histories and politics, ranging from WWII to the soviet power, to the American Presidents. Short excerpts of journals or stories are slotted in between the comic strips to explain more on the background of each superhero.
KZhang played on the texas holdem on my iphone and helped me won money. Haha i think he quite liked the game ... and now suddenly, i see a lot of my friends getting more serious and playing more of this game. I think this is great for the game as a bluffer aka me on a table of surrounded by honest players won't last long. We need more bluffers!
And i've learnt the 10 chips trick! Yay! =)
Alright next week is gonna be tough. GAMBATEHHHH!
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