Sunday, May 23, 2004

Dear Blog,

It doesn't take me long to realise what you were saying
But it took me ages to decide on my reaction
Some people thought i was bothered
But i don't think i am anywhere near that
The guy looks for me for support
But i couldn't find anything to give him
His mind is too strong for his body
I guess he will kill himself eventually
So if he does, i won't have any grief
Afterall he is a fighter, a loner, a solo
People could all see that and so no one asks
They know he could handle it all
For he always had
But like the bee that i killed yesterday
He was quite trapped when he got confused
I thought he would find a way out
But he didn't want to and stay stuck
In the shit hole that he never wanted to get into.

I ask for the simplest things. Material wealth doesn't mean much to me. You want my money i can give you. If it makes you happy. You want my field pack i can give it to you as well. At most i just tell PS i lost my field pack. If it makes you happy.


If ever once i was hurt so deeply by you, don't ever think that i will ever say "if it makes you happy" to you. I cannot stand liars. I cannot stand cheats. I cannot tolerate any request from you.

Me and him were talking about sex partners that day. If it comes to selfishness and generosity, one night stand partners give you the most. They got nothing to lose. Nothing to lose, everything to gain from. How good can it get?

Sorry i've changed. ;)

Signin' off,


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