Friday, September 29, 2006

Lots of people are suffering from insomnia and there are many causes to it.

(Haha... i don't know why i am writing this here but it's probably because i am studying it)

But some interesting points to note is that, some psychological causes are worrying, TRYING TOO HARD TO SLEEP, or anxiety(alison is one living example.. =p)

Trying too hard to sleep is interesting... so next time when you can't sleep, don't bother trying to sleep. Get up and go do something... go watch porn or something or go run around your neighbourhood at 1am... or better still, try to go read up on insomnia.

Anyway, one of the points is "Don't do anything in your bed but sleep. Your bed should be a cue for sleeping, not studying or watching television. Because sleeping is a reflex response, using the bed as a cue for sleeping is a kind of learning called classical conditioning(I wrote an essay on this!!!), or the pairing of cues and reflex responses."

Hmmmmm...... then where do people have sex?

Imagine... everytime you lie on your bed and you think of sex.



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