Been watching the whole Star Wars series. Somehow i thought the many years break George Lucas took before making episode 1-3 kind of make everything funny.
It went from the future back to retro hairstyle and technology. ><
And Yoda's character changed like from solemn and serious master jedi to funky old hermit.
So anyway. The tram-inspectors here are nasty i tell you.

They are like the FBI. And they attack you like the SWAT.
I was on the tram going back to the city from St. Kilda and suddenly 4 of them JUMPED onto the tram, FLASHED their GOLDEN BADGES at me and suddenly i thought i was under arrest.
Seriously dramatic. Or maybe i am a country bumpkin.
A guy opposite us got caught for not having the right ticket and out came (as what Darius called it) a thick book of 'summons'. Imagine getting summoned.
Would have felt like i didn't pay for parking my butt on the tram.
AND SY bought me a set of POKER~!!!! YAHOOO~!!!! =)))) 300 chips!!!! Guys POKER NITE at my place next SAT!! =pppx
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