I was just irritated with the fact that i felt that you looked down on me.
It wasn't a very big matter. But i don't see how you can judge us just by that mere 30 mins. Yes you are apparently good, but the game is so diverse and flexible.
He was using DS and i was using Rhasta. Think about this, firstly it's a 1v1. It's very very different from a 5v5. And as long as DS plays safe, he can shoot me and dmg me far away with his assassinations that cool down so much faster. And when he got the HOD, there's no way my forked lightning's gonna hurt him much. DS gonna beat a Rhasta early game... at least until i get my eul, which i didn't because 1 kill was all it took for you to judge us.
Yes i could have gotten the 1st kill but i screwed up on my wards and shackle, but you don't know how i hate it playing on my laptop.
Heroes' differences in 1v1 plays a huge ass part man ...

And well, that was why i asked to play with you. I randomed and got lucky, kena VS. And you chose QOP. And i believe by your standards, a pro QOP can own a VS anytime. Hello ... swap what when you can blink?
Well ... once again the HOD proved a difference. Your fan didn't hurt a bit.
Lane control eh?? I went all the way and got your throne. =)
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