At interhall bash ... both of us were performing ...

I skipped lecture this morning to sleep in. Really miss having a day where i got no lectures at all.
Mum and Sis came over yesterday for NUS Open House. Saw Farhan, Wenjia they all searching for bash contestants, which is quite early ... considering most students don't even know if they are entering Arts. Anyway walked around the booths and saw Dr. Chang who was talking to some students. Wanted to ask him which mod he's gonna lecture next sem but didn't have the chance. Saw Marj also!! =p Or rather she saw me.
Then mum and sis dropped by Sheares to see my room. Hahaa... heng not too messy ...
I am gonna have the craziest dancing week the next 9 days. Last night had full dress rehearsal for "Dance Uncensored" at KR MPSH, which we sucked. =( But the seniors were really really power! Easily one of the best performance last night. Tonight's there's vetting by the SCRC for CMB concert which is on Wed. Hopefully all 3 items get in. Tmr morning another full dress rehearsal at UCC for DU which is on friday.
So whole of wed and fri is gone! Dance workshop starts on sat till wed ... and my health psych paper's due on thurs! zzzz ...
So i gotta start on the paper reallllll sooon. But thankfully i did some research last week.
Lao ma said to put the other half of the time to studying ... but looking at things, resting already isn't enough for these 2 weeks ...

I skipped lecture this morning to sleep in. Really miss having a day where i got no lectures at all.
Mum and Sis came over yesterday for NUS Open House. Saw Farhan, Wenjia they all searching for bash contestants, which is quite early ... considering most students don't even know if they are entering Arts. Anyway walked around the booths and saw Dr. Chang who was talking to some students. Wanted to ask him which mod he's gonna lecture next sem but didn't have the chance. Saw Marj also!! =p Or rather she saw me.
Then mum and sis dropped by Sheares to see my room. Hahaa... heng not too messy ...
I am gonna have the craziest dancing week the next 9 days. Last night had full dress rehearsal for "Dance Uncensored" at KR MPSH, which we sucked. =( But the seniors were really really power! Easily one of the best performance last night. Tonight's there's vetting by the SCRC for CMB concert which is on Wed. Hopefully all 3 items get in. Tmr morning another full dress rehearsal at UCC for DU which is on friday.
So whole of wed and fri is gone! Dance workshop starts on sat till wed ... and my health psych paper's due on thurs! zzzz ...
So i gotta start on the paper reallllll sooon. But thankfully i did some research last week.
Lao ma said to put the other half of the time to studying ... but looking at things, resting already isn't enough for these 2 weeks ...
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