Watched Watchmen. Almost the exact replication of all the important stuff in the novel. Like that also can then i also can go be director liao.
Anyway, it's really graphical. Be it in the gore sense or story sense.
The top 10 graphical scenes that were definitely memorable ...
1) Rorschach hacking at the rapist's skull
2) Young Rorschach biting a skin off the bully's cheek
3) The sawing of the inmate's arms
4) The unmasking of Rorschach by the police
5) The dog's head that was splitted in the middle
6) Dr. Manhattan's construction of his time palace on Mars
7) Rorschach splashing hot oil onto the inmate's face
8) The "unnecessary" love-making scene between Silk Specter and Nite Owl
9) The blood-stained yellow smiley face
10) Rorschach being disintegrated by Dr. Manhattan
Rorschach is definitely my favourite character. I love his ink-blot mask. Damn cool!
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