Monday, March 01, 2010

I often have this kind of random thoughts while driving. Disclaimer: It's just my thoughts. May not be right.

I think for a relationship to perfectly work out, it's almost impossible. Just a very simple equation of how much time to meet per week can be very different among 2 persons. So imagine all the aligning and matching of relationship factors that one must take into account when looking for a potential partner.

Anyway, not only that, there's the occasional squabble about each other's personality, habits, or just the mere physical appearance. I mean, lets face it, we need to be comfortable with what we are seeing. And just to add on ... religion, tastes, preferences, hobbies ...

So much so that if we are to consider each and every single factor, we would be too tired and too frustrated because no one's perfect.

I think, most importantly, is for BOTH parties to be able to envision themselves standing beside each other at the end of their lives. Because for this simple belief, it can become a replacement(i struggle for a better word) for all the aligning and matching of everything between a couple.

You want similar hobbies i give to you. You want complementary looks i give to you. You want similar status i give to you. You want everything to be aligned and matching, sure why not. Don't misunderstand me, these all will definitely help in a relationship.

But if you can't see yourselves there together at the end of the road, your other half may just leave one day ... maybe for someone whom he/she thinks would be better. I guess my biggest point here is, if you spend all your time looking at the trivalities of love, you would miss the big simple picture.


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