Saturday, September 20, 2003

A few nice quotes from Life...

"Those in the anti-Barbie camp say that if Barbie were human, she would be 1.68m tall, weight 54 kg and measure an impossible 38-18-34(that wouldn't seem too right i think). She would also be so thin she wouldn't be able to menstruate as she would not have enough body fat(huh? you meaning girls menstruate due to body fat... really???)."
"Young girls will grow up wanting to have big breasts and wasp waists..."

"And what about G.I. Joe? Why is it nobody ever accuses him of influencing young boys to become warmongers who strive for six-pack abs?"

haha good argument manz...

"What is two plus two times two?" Answer is six because if you write it out like this... 2 + 2 X 2... you will have to do the multiplications first... cool right... but guess what... most adults gave the answer as eight because they simply read from left to right... a case of creativity here i guess...

This guy here... erm... Mr. Andrei Aleinikov... an author and creative guru... haha nice name... he believes that there's a genius in everyone... "I am an educator and a scientist. If people say: "Hey Andrei, we like listening to you because you are charismatic", I'll tell them that you can teach charisma to any person. Behind my statements and motivation speeches are scientific systems and methodologies to back them up." Cool shit...

He is someone who believes in making the impossible possible... whoa i just love people like this manz... his ideas and determination... and try beating this... he wrote a book entitled Making The Impossible Possible... a book of about 88 pages consisting of solutions to 25 problems in 4 mins and 30 seconds... and published in 15 hours 46 mins... haha imagine writing and publishing the book in a day and immediately selling it... He's one guy i admire though i just heard of him today... He said: "First of all, creativity is the human activity of accelerating organisation or decelerating disorganisation. If you are walking and someone says you are walking too slowly and you find a method to walk faster, then you are accelerating and applying creativity." How simple it sounds...

"I am at war with the obvious." - William Eggleston
He takes pictures of something very ordinary, and make it look extraordinary. Another cool shit guy...


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