Sunday, July 11, 2004

Dear Blog,

Okie... i am rushing for time... its 511pm now and i got to leave the house at 545 to go to my grandma's house for her bday and i haven't packed my stuff. Okie first of all i am well and fine so ya. Appointed LSM(dammit) but its good experience. But not as smooth as when i was the LPS. Earning respect isnt simple also. And the day is screwed when the CDI is an idiot. Like on sat. SGT Soong is an idiot. Next week's going to be tough. Outfield. All the chiong sua. Those carrying SAW and LAW are going to pengz. Everytime they prone they get a knock on their heads. Sat's training was tough already and it was only in the football field. Oh ya and my PC is mad. He is those chiong sua type one... think commandos. On sat, everytime anyone does smth wrong, he goes all explosive and screamed at that guy to run one round around the track. I got it to run it once. Abrasion on my right elbow. Wishing it will heal soon. Had a nice weekend. Though could slp more. But i don't see the point to. Come out to slp is a waste of time. My bunk got a rat and its eating into our food. Caught it on fri. Whole section was hunting for it. But it was funny la. Could see it running everywhere and everyone was yelling at it. Haha. Bought the food that i owe to the section. Enough to last a whole week i guess. My section is a bunch of pigs. Finished the whole tube of pringles in 10 minutes. Food don't last long open in the bunk. That's about it. Take care folks.



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