So... Oweek's over. Was feeling a little emo watching the video yesterday. Even though it felt short, but the amount of activities were really a lot. But i guess only those whom went regularly can truly understand.
Edna and i were talking about the arts culture yesterday on the way home. I told her some people suffered from a culture shock in arts because we really know how to play and have fun. She agreed and said she's thankful she's in arts.
Even at MPSH when we had the prize ceremony and the speeches, we could all truly feel that we are in one BIG arts family and not 4 divided houses.
To Bobby, Ben, Hock, Camy, Chonghan, Kerching, Shuning and Michelle, You people have done a terrific job as house ICs. Even though there were times when the freshies refused to attend because of some stupid reason, or refuse to cheer because they can't stand being fun and arty farty like us, you guys continue to lead and inspire.
I will always remember Bobby's sensual dancing queen and Hock's Welcome to Singapore! Chonghan's wit and charisma like always, is something i look forward to every camp. Shuning's craziness and ultra-thickskin attitude just make everyone respect her again and again. You can see in the end during Rag, she's the one commanding the whole arts fac.
And to all the Teh Ong's OGLs - Qianfu, Doris, Chingfeng and Yenghong, it has been my utmost pleasure to work with you people. You all are the craziest bunch of people and i had tremendous fun with all of you. I will remember our pretty and PROFESSIONAL mascots.. Teh Gao, Teh O, Teh Peng, Teh Ci and Teh Nee... together we come together and Teh Ong once again, BEST HOUSE FOR OWEEK!! 3 years running!!
I feel sad knowing that next year, many of them will graduate and we won't see them anymore. But Doris and me(and hopefully Yenghong if she's doing honours), we will continue to push T-house to greater heights. And there are people like Vanessa and Leonard who will step up as OGLs or even House ICs...
To all my Teh Nee freshies, i am glad to have met all of you!! Even though many of you disappeared once in awhile, but i am happy that many of you made friends among yourselves.
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