Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sometimes the most ambivalent stuff hit me at the most unlikely time.

I off my phone and Sy asked me why. The main reason is that it's battery is like 2/3 full and well i know it will last me till i get home tmr, but I've never liked to run the risk that my phone died. Don't know why. Bad habit. But probably because I don't like it when people is unable to contact me. So i off it to be really really safe that it will still have life in it when i get home tmr.

I know i can charge it because she has a charger here but i don't like charging my phone very often cos i've been doing that and the battery's dying. You should only charge it when it's empty so as to prolong the battery's life.

So yea... i off my phone.

And i told her that handphones are machines too and that like your laptop, you can't possibly leave it on for days and weeks(you can but i don't think it's very healthy for the machine)... awww... me getting all emo and clingy to something metal and dead huh...

What i am saying is... how many of you have actually left your phone on for weeks or months?? Ya the thought never crosses your mind, neither mine, about offing it... because well... phones doesn't heat up and aren't phones meant to be on 24 hours so that people can contact you when they need to?

Well... then what is the "OFF" button for?



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