I beg to differ, because without all these camps, without all the exciting programs, the crazy councillors who made us do countless memorable forfeits, there would never be anything to reminisce. Furthermore, without this platform for friendships, lest can we say of long-lasting ones.
Nothing is forced. You don't have to talk to anyone during speed-dating. You don't even have to write the "romantic" love letter to your secret pal. No one is pointing a gun at your head forcing you to cheer. We make a fool out of ourselves because we want to. We cheer because we like to cheer.
Yeah right. I do so love sore throat eh?
Maybe i choose to view everything simply. It's just as plain as that.
Everyone ought to make an effort in the things they do. Well they can remain anti-social. Well stay happy that way then. Back to the rotten-cos-its-used-too-much "Choices have consequences", for those who CHOOSE not to sign up for orientation camps, or for those unlucky ones who didn't know of camps' existence, i say, TOO BAD!