Friday, October 30, 2009

Billy Kopp is such a boomz ... to lose 20++ million and not end up as one of the November 9. Shocker.

But it's really a good feeling to see Darvin Moon as the major chip lead. 56 million! Omg ... Have been rooting for Ivey ... and it's gonne be interesting to see how he performs with the 3rd lowest stack.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

So. I've gotten my full tank today too. Waited half an hour for it, and while waiting in line, I was reading my article, thinking abt this islandwide phenomenon, and the implications..

The shell station at my house had its queue all the way until the cross junction to jalan kayu so I gave up on that one and went to the siglap one.. It seems like the snaking long queue is a common sight everywhere and drivers are accustomed to an almost stationary left lane near shell stations. But at $1/litre, how much are they earning from this promotional strategy? One which they proclaim as giving back to the society?

It's also a sight to behold as a day when buses stopped and passengers alighted not at the busstop but at the 2nd left lane. Quite funny.

Even aux police was out at work directing traffic.

Haha anyway 2 days ago I had an awakening. Went to class and the tutor had an exams discussion. Realized how much I didn't know ... so it's study study study now!!
For those who are familiar with Improv Everywhere, whose flash mobs have brought much surprise and joy to the lucky people around ...

It's about time that Singapore finally does a decent one ...

And just for kicks ... the latest Improv Everywhere mission ...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Last night i caught Flash Forward ep 3 on tv ... and cos i missed the first 2 episodes, i went to look for them online.

Having followed Lost and Prison Break very closely, FF contains certain similar elements. For example the time traveling aka the visions ... just like those of Lost ... with the air of mystery over what actually happened. Suspect 0 acts like Jacob in Lost ... one of those unknowns. And that wow factor at the end of episodes is felt in all the episodes just like Lost. It is familiar to Prison Break because of the wall/board with all the information that Benford looks like. Very similar to Scofield's opening act in PB, and also towards the end when they were organising all the information they had.

The starting of FF's episode 2 reminded me of Heroes's constant use of the Earth globe picture.

Well ... only 4 episodes online now. Still got to see how it pans out ... and i've got some questions like surely if EVERYONE blacked out, a lot of the elderly would have died from the falls ... even profession like being a cook would have got you burnt to death if you fell straight onto whatever's cooking ... the amount of deaths and destruction that day would be gigantic, except that i don't feel that from the show.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Something happened in school today that got me and everyone else quite pissed. Well ... if you are not good in teaching students, meaning if you do not have extremely good skills in educating students, it's really fine. I've seen much worse lecturers than you.

But if you create a mid term test which is really confusing, i won't hold my thoughts against you. You gave everyone a page for each question to write, which i can safely say there wasn't only me who was shocked by it. Nevermind.

Then your questions are VAGUE. Mind you, it ain't only me but many others who commented. These comments are REPRESENTATIVE of the student population.

And we've been taught since sec sch to come up with explanations and reasons for what we write ... and you seriously dare to come up with an answer script asking us to just list points with each HALF a mark? Since when wasn't a point listed with explanation one mark? So if each question is 6 marks, we roughly would know how to balance out.

But hell no ... it suddenly appeared that we just need to list out the 'relevance to singapore' and each one will earn us half a mark and because 'non-relevance to singapore' is 'HARDER' to think of, it would be one mark per point. O_O

WTF is this marking scheme. No one told us of anything like that. You didn't specify anything either before the mid terms.

And one very obvious fact is this, you told us after the test that it would be returned this week. This week's lecture you told us that it would be postponed because you need to moderate the scores. Apparently everyone did badly.

Hey, there's no such thing as everyone doing badly unless the test is freaking hard, or its just plain confusing. You and the 2 tutors have personally said while going through the answers that the test is really very hard.

Well, my friend consoled me by saying that don't worry, there's a bell curve. Oh yeah then is my tertiary education going to be screwed up by some lameass lecturer who can't set a proper mid term test?

We ALL fear for the final paper. Really.

Especially when you use the words "you DEEM" in the question, yet gave us no answers that require our opinions. And yes we all know that NUS is situated in Singapore, but it doesn't give you reason to set 2 out of 5 questions asking specifically in the Singapore context. What happens to our foreign friends?

When that girl behind me in class today mentioned out loud that it's a really flawed marking scheme, i added on by agreeing to that statement.

And all of you think that by moderating and adjusting the marks, it would be fair? Trust yourselves to be psychology educators. When a paper is confusing, it takes away a part of students' performance during the test. Imagine if the paper wasn't confusing, these students would have done probably a lot better because they wouldn't need to deal with the internal struggle within them.

You would say it's all individual differences. But i would say that what you took away wasn't returned in full fairly.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

These days ... it's all about life.

A funeral and a wedding ... and another one to come ...

And also how suffocating life can get.

It's true you feel like a zombie when you are forced to read through something you don't have much interest in. Blame CORS. Blame the world! "It's YOU!"

The recent lack in confidence is a bitch too. Not even talking about the screwed up body clock.

It's too bad when sometimes i take things in my life so seriously ...

Ah emo momo ...

Just let me get this 2 page essay over and done with.

Friday, October 02, 2009

I think Langdon's 'death' and 'revival' in the book had quite an impact on my memory.

I dreamt of Shaun last night .. alive and walking around with us. I asked Alvin what happened and he said his heart suddenly started pumping again.


Thursday, October 01, 2009

I think I'm gonna suffer a mental breakdown.

Today I stepped into class and asked my project mates "你快乐吗?"

*edit* 5 mins later when I step into the car, Joi Chua introduced her new song 要幸福阿 。。

There was a campaign or some promotion thing at the arts canteen earlier while i was having lunch. 3 mascots were dancing about and holding up a banner which says "Meatout Thursday".

And the thing is i don't usually whack on the meat stuff. Just that today i felt like having western. Ah well.

That quite sums up my whole sem.
