Saturday, March 27, 2010

I hope i don't feel like crap later after the run. Last year was bad. Zhang and I were both walking dead after the run.

Last night's episode of survivor invoked frustration in me cos Tyson was stupid enough to cause his own ousting in the tribe. And i believe this to be the major turning point in the season whereby should the rumours be true, Russell and Parvati will then go all the way to the finals. Imagine if Tyson had stuck to his vote, Russell would be gone, and then Parvati next. Not that i really know who Parv is and i think she's pretty hot, all the other survivors think she's as scheming and bad as Cirie, so that's pretty bad. I just loathe Russell. Previous season when he didn't win, that brought a bit of sympathy from lots of Americans ... well including me because he indeed played the best game, and was the mind behind everything.

BUT you CANNOT ever be arrogant. He was predicting who's voting for him and all that crap and when he didn't win, he couldn't take it and accept it. Indeed he played a good but LYING game, one has doubts over trust and his character. I definitely wouldn't vote for him if he had blindsided me.

Sorry for my biasness for Rob cos i've watched him in amazing race and his game in survivor this season is tops too. Ah damn ... hate to see him go ...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

School's officially ending in a month. Can't wait.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My body clock is officially screwed. Cos i tried waking up at 830am on friday. ... and throughout the whole day, i was DESPERATELY in need to crash. Damn jialat.

Didn't receive any call for 2nd round of interview. Seems like all these years, i've conditioned myself such that i would always rate my performances as alright ... all because of the disappointments that expectations always give me. And these disappointments hurt much more than lowering my self esteem or whatnots with 'alright' performances.

Same thing with the correctional psych test. I THOUGHT i had the questions from last sem hence i would do decently well. But nope. Got pawned.

Have been playing Final Fantasy XIII these couple of days. Thing is ... i guess i've been waiting for a really good one all these years. Cos honestly, if you ask me about FF10 or FF12, they don't rate that highly alongside FF7 and FF8. I mean, i hardly remember anything about FF12 cos they reworked so much stuff ... FF10 was good in terms of characterisation ... and that's about it. Okay of course it was a leap in terms of graphics as compared to FF8.

But i think what that two had ... was a solid story. They started coming up with a lot of weird stuff lately ... so for now, i'm still looking and analyzing FF13.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

The girl went to BKK. Without me. So i am angry with her. Haha. What a simple reason just to feel the emotion of anger.

Positive Psychology classes is having a much significant impact on me than i would have expected. It has led me to being a more 'bo chup' person, simply because of all the questioning of what RIGHTS do we as human beings really have.

Almost 4 years of Arts and Social science drilling has made me constantly ask, who are you or who am i to judge what is right or wrong. Right is only a matter of norms or what the majority believes in. Wrong is just being different.

I've got plenty of wrong moments too ... and it's difficult to accept them as 'wrong'. Furthermore, it becomes conflicting to think we are encouraged to be creative and be different.

Oh well. Gonna do my part for my project on Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Basically people who worry too much. Or even there's a model about people who WORRY about WORRYING. It's like getting stressed about being stressed.

Yesterday's interview went alright i guess. Written test was on the healthcare developments in Singapore. I think i wrote what was expected of an Arts student. Pretty awkward to have mine on 3 printed papers and theirs on one. But oh well, i had 1.5 line spacing so i am not sure how much different that makes.

Then we had to present on our writeup. To be honest, i've had better presentations. And i've been in a better state for presentation. But i think i did my best then. Don't know how boring i sounded sitting on the chairs though cos the other guy's presentation was boring to me.

Perhaps it was what i choose to pay attention to, or what i was biased about, i think i did stand out more among the candidates. I was getting a lot of positive signals from the interviewers' body language too (or at least i think so), so hopefully, i do receive the call for the 2nd interview.

But if not, oh well .. it has been a fabulous experience from this single interview alone. =)

Monday, March 01, 2010

I often have this kind of random thoughts while driving. Disclaimer: It's just my thoughts. May not be right.

I think for a relationship to perfectly work out, it's almost impossible. Just a very simple equation of how much time to meet per week can be very different among 2 persons. So imagine all the aligning and matching of relationship factors that one must take into account when looking for a potential partner.

Anyway, not only that, there's the occasional squabble about each other's personality, habits, or just the mere physical appearance. I mean, lets face it, we need to be comfortable with what we are seeing. And just to add on ... religion, tastes, preferences, hobbies ...

So much so that if we are to consider each and every single factor, we would be too tired and too frustrated because no one's perfect.

I think, most importantly, is for BOTH parties to be able to envision themselves standing beside each other at the end of their lives. Because for this simple belief, it can become a replacement(i struggle for a better word) for all the aligning and matching of everything between a couple.

You want similar hobbies i give to you. You want complementary looks i give to you. You want similar status i give to you. You want everything to be aligned and matching, sure why not. Don't misunderstand me, these all will definitely help in a relationship.

But if you can't see yourselves there together at the end of the road, your other half may just leave one day ... maybe for someone whom he/she thinks would be better. I guess my biggest point here is, if you spend all your time looking at the trivalities of love, you would miss the big simple picture.