Sunday, June 29, 2008

The power of framing up and taking the lead.

I didn't realise the full potential of these 2 elements until today. Yes they always say how much and what the leader says will be reflected by his subordinates. Framing them up that way perhaps had been my intentions, but i truly did not think specifically on what to write. The words just flow and the ideas conjure themselves up one after another.

And the funny thing is, one thing led to another, with each reply possessing highly similar structure, contents, tone and purpose to my original piece.

I am really glad things turn out better than expected. =)

Saturday, June 28, 2008



This holiday is turning out to be a crazily memorable one. It started off with the Tioman trip with the Lacoste people, then Advance Open Water with Bryant and Charissa, before the AK camps ... each one memorable in their own ways. First one being the recourse group, second one being the oldest group, PSLE seminar with the crazy 600 kids, IAG2 with JJ as my A.Coach, and SK3 with Xavier's mum incident, and finally Advance camp with the 16 participants.

I thought i've grown a lot after all this ... but Arts Camp proved to me that there's another dimension to everything.

I never thought i would cry when i was standing on the stage yesterday. (Stupid Juni took a photo of me!!!!)The mixture of emotions of joy, of regret, of sadness, of being touched and many many others ... they all came together once and for all and i was lost for words. It really wasn't easy ... and the 5 days had been a blur to me. Being me, i was always concerned about the outcome ... so much so that there wasn't time for me to look at the smaller details. But standing at the top of the stage, looking down into all the freshies' faces, i knew that was something. That meant something to me. Like how i felt when i was a freshie 2 years ago. I had such a wonderful experience and i want each batch to get the fullest experience possible.

I've already thanked many people on stage, through emails and face to face, but deep down, i know all these wouldn't have been possible without each and every single one of them.

True i was feeling burnt out. But this kind of experience, i will NEVER ever give it up for anything else in the world. To all TOWKAYS out there, you guys ROCK! Thank you so so so much. =)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So. I haven't been around.

Been busy with camps. And the upcoming arts camp is stressing me at the back of my mind. A BIG BIG THANKS to Doris for doing most of the administration stuff. Really thank you. I am just worried that maybe i haven't been there to gel properly with the rest of the house. Praying that they are on my side when the camp begins.

Advance camp is tmr and the ops side chut stunt on me yesterday by informing me of the drastic drop in participants. So in this way everything's gonna change. But first i need to settle on the coaches. There will definitely be questions as to who are chosen and why. I really really hope everyone understands my intentions and that Chuan Lay and I are doing our best to think from all sides.


And once in awhile, my lousy results will pop into my head. Well, i chose to stay in hall. No point regretting now. First ever C. C for Crap.

I swear after all these, i am gonna have a good long rest.

Chivas life! Here I come!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Been working too hard. Really need some "alone-time".

Stay home last night instead of joining them for supper because i thought i need that kind of time. Played 3 dota games and lost 2. Dota has been really sucky lately. Losing a lot. Something's wrong.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

1st 2 camps. Awesome!

Wonderful experience with a recourse group of all guys for SK1, and an older group whom i can relate to for IAG1.

Now doing PSLE Congress at Republic Poly. 600 kids!!!!! Zzzz ...