Dear Blog,
Here's what happened the whole week.
Booked in on mon with my mind dead on cutting my hair. It was pretty long, and nah i didn't want OKB to issue me any of his infamous extras. Got it cut at the auntie's, whom i reckon learnt hair cutting herself. But she ain't too bad. But i chose to leave the fringe there, so i kind of got this bunch of extra long hair sprouting from the front.
Anyway... that's when the bad stuff started happening. Firstly i took an awfully long time washing away the "remains" of whatever cut hair there is. They just kept on appearing as though my head's growing little pieces of hair. And those few guys sitting outside the barber were pretty amused at me.
Then when i got back to the office, everyone was "summoned" by our beloved Yipster. Apparently a lot of differences were noticed between the account cards and the actual amount of stores. So that were where my Mon and Tues went to. In between, a lot of changes happened, and tempers flared, and everyone was pissed with Yipster. I swear if we don't get a decent amount of Offs for this, there would be a revolution.
We all stayed until like ten each day until there was no choice but to let us go cos the computers had to be shut off at that time. I think all of us are too used to the good life. Too used to going back home before the sun set, too used to having a nice warm shower at home. Too used to having our own life at night.
And guess what our dear Yipster was doing while all of us were working our asses off? He was 'busily' sitting in this office replying to emails and walking around threatening people with DB if we are to lose the account cards. So much for the encouragement.
So come wed, all of us decided that it would be a wiser idea not to wait for any instructions since we weren't doing anything in the afternoon. So all of us zhao off in JC's van before Gary could say: "Do you have anything for me?" =p
On thurs, Yipster gathered all of us and sort of gave an encouragement speech. It was kind of impromptu, so whatever that came out was rather full of shit. I must admit that guy knows his stuff, but come on manz... do help out when all of us are working. A leader must show his men that he is doing what he ordered his men to do. Or at least show that he's working. But one thing about him is that if he thinks that he knows something, he believe also that he will be better than you at that thing. Well... i can only say that i ain't too bad with computers.
Then i suay suay got arrowed to help him in HIS OFFICE, we call it the "slaughterhouse" now. Was using Excel the whole afternoon. Never ever used so much excel, until from not so sure about it, i can safely draw a spreadsheet and aiya, do whatever he asked me to then. Then i think i am a hypocrite. Because i was swearing at him during his "encouragement" speech, then i was like telling Shaun actually he isn't too bad.
I don't know if it was good or bad, but i helped him finished hell lot of stuff and he kept on saying what i very efficient, do very fast. Backside to that la. If in the future he's gonna keep on calling me to do his sai kang, then i am so going to regret working so fast. But he did show his interest when he asked me and Shaun to choose between who's going back today and tmr to continue doing.
I was in such a dilemma lor. The Off looks so attractive, but going back on a public holiday is so sian. But in the end i still said yes. But last night i called Shaun and tell him i can't. Really. Dad's birthday. There goes the confirmed Off. Haiz.
Basically, this week i wasn't a storeman. I was an office clerk. And it ain't easy.