Sheares Hall Seniors' Farewell and Appreciation on Wed ...

Had Block C seniors' farewell cum uniform party last thurs. It was really warm and nice, yes despite me only knowing them only for a sem, but i can proudly say i have had a lot of fun this semester and it is truly a very good experience.

I came to Sheares with a attitude to participate and to experience, and i am glad in a month's time, when i am moving out of Sheares, i have learnt a lot about the different halls, the dance scene in school, Sheares, and in particularly Block C. I remember saying i will definitely not stay in hall due to various reasons before i got in, i would still say no now, but with much regret and sadness.
The many funny moments, and eye-openers, the memories of hall culture, the late-nights as well as the ponding, the numerous hall events, IHG, Vball guys winning the competition, SP, CMB, DU, supper-lorry which i missed but helped them to collect the lorry, the frequent dota-nights, the everyday-never-sleep-enough-mornings, uncle vincent's supper and mostly dancing. I am truly glad that so many C-towners are in dance.
For people like Sab, Joey, Jun Ghai, Wilkson, Alicia, Matt, Joyce, Jie Sheng and the many many others, thank you for making my stay in Sheares a terrific one.
And also to my 2 wonderful Shearites Many and Kenneth (whom i see ever so frequently) in helping me make my stay a more memorable one.
I think i too would have an eventful and happening 4 years if i had chosen to stay in hall since year 1. Goodness knows what stunts would i have chut. =p And i yearn for the moment when i graduate and see all the crazily touching photos i had. Too bad i am not meant to have a uni life like that. Haha ... oh well ...
Now to concentrate on my studies before dreading moving out. Ahhhh all that stuff!