Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Today was one of those days. One of those which you don't feel like doing anything.
My mind was quite set upon doing some serious work. But it never quite got started.
I ended up watching 4 movies. Or rather 2 full ones and 2 half movies.
Street Fighter Legend of Chun Li and Benjamin Button were the complete ones. And Megavideo screwed up Push and Race to Witch Mountain with their limited bandwidth and 'watch-time'.
BOO~ to megavideo!
My mind was quite set upon doing some serious work. But it never quite got started.
I ended up watching 4 movies. Or rather 2 full ones and 2 half movies.
Street Fighter Legend of Chun Li and Benjamin Button were the complete ones. And Megavideo screwed up Push and Race to Witch Mountain with their limited bandwidth and 'watch-time'.
BOO~ to megavideo!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I got through today. First meeting ever for us on the day of presentation. Damn exciting. But no one really goes for that lecture anymore. I figure by the time the last group is presenting, it's only that group and its peer group. =x
Chose to transfer to Sevilla after winning almost everything with Man Utd. Lost the first 2 matches even though scoring first. Something is clearly wrong with the defence.
Need a break and a tan. Looking forward to beach fiesta this saturday!
Chose to transfer to Sevilla after winning almost everything with Man Utd. Lost the first 2 matches even though scoring first. Something is clearly wrong with the defence.
Need a break and a tan. Looking forward to beach fiesta this saturday!
Friday, March 20, 2009

IAG Junior was exciting. One of the most exciting ones i've ever done. I guess it was due to the fact that there was always something to look out for, someone (name "S") who MIGHT explode anytime. Day 1-3 was like a timebomb, i was just waiting for him to explode. And furthermore, S was this extremely cute and adorable boy, but it's really saddening/contradicting/confusing/illogical to see him with such a temper. But anyway he chilled off after Gary had a one-on-one with him. And he was really adorable after that. It was really heartwarming when he came up to me to ask for my email during closing.
Then there was this consistently and persistently irritating T. He talks non-stop and moves non-stop so he was pretty much one of those 'star players' which we all would expect in our camp. It's like there's a need for people like T to make the camp 'complete'.
Then on the last day when B showed his true colours. And that scene with DJ. I will forever remember that scene. DJ was practically on a frenzy. It would have been even more memorable if they came to blows. Then Gary exploded after that with B even though i thought the case was settled. Bad attitude sucks man.
Been going back to help with the phototaking of IAG Senior. I noticed some team dynamics stuff, particularly about experienced coaches who CAN explode. Some coaches only possess the loving aura, whereas some others have inside them this capability which allows them to go to an extreme extent to get a point across. You definitely need both types and i was afraid the senior camp has a wee bit too many loving coaches. But nvm Chan ownself can tackle the whole camp so no worries! =)
And i am extremely glad to get Jen as my She often left me amazed by how easily she grasped the concepts and meanings behind the things we do. As a first-time coach, she displayed flexibility and this easiness with slipping into the roles and tasks i allocate to her. I remembered telling her many times that if she has anything unsure, it would be good to come and ask me. But the thing is i don't remember her coming to ask me anything more than 2 times for the entire 5 days. Leaving the group in her hands didn't make me constantly worried or troubled that she would screw up. On the contrary, she not only did the bare minimum, but even more on several occasions. Moreover, she was very receptive and open to my inputs and feedback. But i guess the teasing made by the coaches during the last night tells a lot of my working relationship with her. Especially if you know i don't open up easily. The easy banter between us and all the bullshit and nonsense she has to tolerate from me do symbolized how much i enjoy working with her.
To Jen: When i say your "chi4 pang3 zhang3 ying4 le4", take no offense from that because i want you to understand that there's a lot of potential in you. I see you becoming a great coach in the coming years, and i sincerely hope to see you more in the TRs in the coming seasons, with that sleepy look of yours. =p Oh! Smaller than 3!
Anyways, i want to apologize to Auntie Saro and AK for the 'swimming pool' i've indirectly created. You see, I had this bet with HT who we all knew he changed one of the water tumbler on day 1. SO. with the intention to build rapport with him, i challenged him to an arm-wrestling competition. He was considerably big in size so i guess he thought why not. The wager was on changing the water tumbler for the next few days.
Well i won ... and the thing slipped my mind. Next thing i know, Chan was storming into TR3 telling me of HT and our challenge and that SWIMMING POOL in the corridor. Apparently, that boy who now i respectfully acknowledge as a man who doesn't break his promises, wanted to change the tumbler. So he went to get a new one but it was way too heavy. He dropped it and the plastic tumbler cracked and broke, causing litres of water to gushed out. The poor dude was TRYING his best to save as much water as possible and even though i wasn't there, i could jolly well imagine how hilarious and terrific the scene would have been. Regretfully, i haven't walked the corridor up till now. And i guess it's already all dried up.
Alright It was a runaway from reality. Now it's back to school work.
Friday, March 13, 2009

Watched Watchmen. Almost the exact replication of all the important stuff in the novel. Like that also can then i also can go be director liao.
Anyway, it's really graphical. Be it in the gore sense or story sense.
The top 10 graphical scenes that were definitely memorable ...
1) Rorschach hacking at the rapist's skull
2) Young Rorschach biting a skin off the bully's cheek
3) The sawing of the inmate's arms
4) The unmasking of Rorschach by the police
5) The dog's head that was splitted in the middle
6) Dr. Manhattan's construction of his time palace on Mars
7) Rorschach splashing hot oil onto the inmate's face
8) The "unnecessary" love-making scene between Silk Specter and Nite Owl
9) The blood-stained yellow smiley face
10) Rorschach being disintegrated by Dr. Manhattan
Rorschach is definitely my favourite character. I love his ink-blot mask. Damn cool!
Mourinho, TOO BAD! The match got me really pumped up, basically because of a few things that night after the fact that should Inter scored anytime during the first half, I just had the feeling that Man U would have lost it.
Went down to SMU hostel for a poker game with an apparent pro. Pretty good. Thing was we had only a few players so it allowed for bluffing and all those strategic moves. I still stand by the idea that to win against pros, you play like a noob. And that it's only alright to bluff when everyone else is bluffing. Else honest pros will suck you dry.
Then helped KZhang jumpstarted his car before making home. Stupid Straits Times once again reported the start of the preview show instead of the actual match time. Decided to pia the essay while waiting which luckily was productive.
Today went down for the 2nd round of House ICs interview. I think both Juni and Vanessa did well. Then had to rush down to AK for IAGJ team bonding. Gonna be coaching for the next 5 days.
Went down to SMU hostel for a poker game with an apparent pro. Pretty good. Thing was we had only a few players so it allowed for bluffing and all those strategic moves. I still stand by the idea that to win against pros, you play like a noob. And that it's only alright to bluff when everyone else is bluffing. Else honest pros will suck you dry.
Then helped KZhang jumpstarted his car before making home. Stupid Straits Times once again reported the start of the preview show instead of the actual match time. Decided to pia the essay while waiting which luckily was productive.
Today went down for the 2nd round of House ICs interview. I think both Juni and Vanessa did well. Then had to rush down to AK for IAGJ team bonding. Gonna be coaching for the next 5 days.
Saturday, March 07, 2009

Priestess of the Moon! My new favourite hero. Last night's games were ownage. MUAHAHAHA!
Have been reading Watchmen for the past few days. The way the story's written is very dissimilar to other superheroes. This one touches a lot on past histories and politics, ranging from WWII to the soviet power, to the American Presidents. Short excerpts of journals or stories are slotted in between the comic strips to explain more on the background of each superhero.
KZhang played on the texas holdem on my iphone and helped me won money. Haha i think he quite liked the game ... and now suddenly, i see a lot of my friends getting more serious and playing more of this game. I think this is great for the game as a bluffer aka me on a table of surrounded by honest players won't last long. We need more bluffers!
And i've learnt the 10 chips trick! Yay! =)
Alright next week is gonna be tough. GAMBATEHHHH!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
How to handle stress like this!? Haha somehow i think i handle it well ... i just TRY to push it away and away.
Today's 2 mid terms were alright. Paediatric was like so specific! With so much info, some questions required us to give specific answers as they were fill-in-the-blanks. InfoSys Application was a mass COPYING test. Open-book but there were simply too many things to write. If you can finish the paper, either you are copying too little or you are the champion.
Straits Times wrote an article on Watchmen, which got me curious about the graphic novel. So just now at page one, i chanced upon the novel and bought it.
I've got an interview next tues for the internship!! And somehow i think i know who is that girl who emailed me. Who else has a name like that ... lol!
Today's 2 mid terms were alright. Paediatric was like so specific! With so much info, some questions required us to give specific answers as they were fill-in-the-blanks. InfoSys Application was a mass COPYING test. Open-book but there were simply too many things to write. If you can finish the paper, either you are copying too little or you are the champion.
Straits Times wrote an article on Watchmen, which got me curious about the graphic novel. So just now at page one, i chanced upon the novel and bought it.
I've got an interview next tues for the internship!! And somehow i think i know who is that girl who emailed me. Who else has a name like that ... lol!
Monday, March 02, 2009
We went to watch Slumdog Millionaire the other day and i really liked it. The mixture of a indian slumdog life with the in-depth showcasing of class stratification, biasness, and romance all mixed into a pot of dream-come-true story is clearly appealing to the masses.
The scene of 'shitboy' presented us with a case of dreams and goals, that the people at the very bottom fight so hard and have to go through so much to achieve ... and only one out of so many has that chance. I guess that was the only light-heartening scene in the whole show. I meant i laughed and there were happier scenes later on, but they were all kind of predictable.
Brotherly love was touched on when the brother saved him from being blinded, but turned on him when he slept with the girl he loved ... and it was well because of status and power. With power comes dominance eh. His other saving grace came in the end when he fulfilled the girl and his brother's love, which i felt was more of the producer's aim to redeem his character. They could all have just ran elsewhere ... India so big so many people how to find . =p
And finally the search for love. Him joining the gameshow wasn't exactly for the money. It was merely a case of 'accidental motivation'. However, i really love how his major life events were translated via the various questions he had to answer.
One of the most creative and meaningful shows.
Especially now when you see reports of "What's happening to the Slumdog child actors/actresses?" in the news after the Oscar frenzy, you came to a realization of, pardon the pun, but what's really the reality for them.
The scene of 'shitboy' presented us with a case of dreams and goals, that the people at the very bottom fight so hard and have to go through so much to achieve ... and only one out of so many has that chance. I guess that was the only light-heartening scene in the whole show. I meant i laughed and there were happier scenes later on, but they were all kind of predictable.
Brotherly love was touched on when the brother saved him from being blinded, but turned on him when he slept with the girl he loved ... and it was well because of status and power. With power comes dominance eh. His other saving grace came in the end when he fulfilled the girl and his brother's love, which i felt was more of the producer's aim to redeem his character. They could all have just ran elsewhere ... India so big so many people how to find . =p
And finally the search for love. Him joining the gameshow wasn't exactly for the money. It was merely a case of 'accidental motivation'. However, i really love how his major life events were translated via the various questions he had to answer.
One of the most creative and meaningful shows.
Especially now when you see reports of "What's happening to the Slumdog child actors/actresses?" in the news after the Oscar frenzy, you came to a realization of, pardon the pun, but what's really the reality for them.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
AAR 2!
Last night's game truly displayed a scenario whereby luck overruled everything else. Guess there's this luck dimension of the game that we can look into.
Hitting the straights like 5 out of 10 times? And getting the flushes and the full houses were completely imba and SICK!
In that case, we should have played with the mindset of losing minimally. Whereas i couldn't get over the psychological and emotional barrier, thus once again it's something to reflect on.
Last night's game truly displayed a scenario whereby luck overruled everything else. Guess there's this luck dimension of the game that we can look into.
Hitting the straights like 5 out of 10 times? And getting the flushes and the full houses were completely imba and SICK!
In that case, we should have played with the mindset of losing minimally. Whereas i couldn't get over the psychological and emotional barrier, thus once again it's something to reflect on.