Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I've often taken a lot of things for granted.

I have always believed things will always be successful, and somehow missing the part whereby something bad happens.

Like I have never thought of the day when my printer might explode suddenly. Or maybe my bed might collapse. Or maybe the brakes of my car fail. Or perhaps the sinking of Singapore.

Oh well... It never fails to sadden me how smoothly my life has gone(hah!) and how inadept I am to failings and disappointments.

But I have surely toughen up over the years. I treat disappointments/sad stuff more lightly now. Well... i promise i won't cry if my car plate breaks in half, or my comp died and i don't know which stuff to install first, or someone says my shit ain't lame enough.

Trying to regain my original impressive list of favourites, but somehow my memory isn't that good. Been trying to link here and there but I see it more as a sign for me to surf the net lesser and spend more time on my books.

Got back my comp today. It's entirely brand new. Yea brand new as in totally empty inside. An empty shell. Okay maybe not empty. It boots up and... well... there's a program that lets me surf the net. And basically that. Or maybe you can say it's like my PS without its games and the memory card. Or maybe a Mahjong table without the tiles.

Well... at this stage i would say perhaps it's about 60% restored.

Irony is that the most important stuff aren't in yet. There are some stuff that I've lost forever. Yet i believe i've uploaded or posted them somewhere, but laziness only permits me to form this pessimistic view. So i shall keep it at that. If you can find it for me, then i will be grateful yea. Like for example the photo of me, chris, terry and zhihao taken at big splash. Like some of the photos I took with my organ class. Like some of the crazy photos i took of myself or others.

Maybe i should see it as a clearance of space. Good riddance to unnecessary stuff. Some memories just keep it in the heart and mind can liao.

Haha... see... I am taking things better in my stride already... =)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I am still comp-less. I think they tried calling me today when i was playing Captain's ball. Hopefully i am able to collect it on monday... and i've decided to do away with the data recovery thing. It's bloody expensive la.

Who pays 600 bucks to recover 70% of the stuff? Somemore it is in the raw format, meaning there won't be any names for the files and documents.

And guess the cost for 90% recovery... 2000 fricking buckeroos!!

I can play dota for a thousand hours for that kind of money man...

Well... going to slowly retrieve back the missing photos... achievable la... then looking at it positively, it is also a chance for me to reconstruct the contents of my comp. Too much rubbish inside already. And to think that i was thinking of clearing the useless stuff off my comp the other day, the harddisk crashed and helped me to make my decision faster.

Bought an 80 gig harddisk... an improvement from my old lousy 60 gig harddisk that crashed and died suddenly without reason... at a relatively cheap price from sim lim too... so all's good...

Just got to say i've learnt my lesson well... gonna go back up my data in cds the next time.

The luckiest thing is perhaps right now i don't have any unfinished essay that was in the spoilt harddisk... or important school work... perhaps just the JS draft which thankfully i've printed it out. If need i can always copy and retype it.

Need to make a trip down to the data recovery company in ubi also... but i don't know what i can do with it. Perhaps curse and swear at it and then maybe try to bite it.


Today went to school for Arts Open. I only realised over there that i can actually jio Vincent they all to come and play in the 5v5 street soccer... cos the rule states only need 1 NUS FASS student. Bleah... and i went to look at the standards... not half as good as our opponents in bishan... but maybe it will be different la... with the heat and sun and there isn't wall surrounding the court...

So anyway... Was in the Captain's Ball competition with Kenneth, Bryant, Terence, Many, Shimin, Alison and Huijuan. We were called "How now brown cow"!!! It's damn corny right... haha... then we were played 3 matches... we lost 2 so we thought we are out of the semis, but apparently other teams also lost 2 and won 1... and somehow our points better so we got through. But we lost at that stage.

However, we played better and better la yea... watch out for us next year man!! Szu Han's team damn good la... don't know whether they won the finals or not... but yup had lots of fun... even though i am chao ta now... and we learnt plenty of stuff about Captain's ball.


The Philo 2nd essay is starting to dawn upon me. The monstrosity of it... the evilness of it... arghhh... i shall not succumb to the dark side and will attempt to my best possible ability to conjure up a good essay.

I've got a week. Fellow friends... lend me all your strength...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I've been turning on my computer practically everyday for goodness knows how long. It has never ever crossed my mind that one day, my computer will not switch on.

It hits you the hardest when you least expected it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I think Philosophy is a useless subject.

Looking at it from a different point of view, it is in-depth common sense.

Seriously ... what is the point of thinking so much?

And my English teacher always says not to have sentences that go on and on with lots of commas because in the end, you won't make much sense. Why am i getting endless sentences with bombastic vocabulary in the textbook?

Who cares what justice is? Who cares where the world came from? Who cares about power or defining things or about drawing cartoons? Who cares about our nature? Who cares about making people agree with what you think?

I only care for a simple life. Why go complicate things? Everyone IS DIFFERENT~!!! DON'T YOU GET IT?? WHY NOT JUST LET EVERYONE GO THINK ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT TO???

I think Philosophers are self-centered people, constantly preaching their ideas and only their ideas and forcing people to go think about them because they care much lesser for psychology, geog or japanese studies.

Imagine your title: Philosopher

"So what do you do for your job?"

"I try to confuse people by saying really cheem stuff."

How cool is that sia...

At the end of this semester, i will rejoice in the burning of my philo textbook.
I love this lecturer~!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Some photos ...

How come i don't get a kiss too?

Biting becomes a tradition during Mooncake Festival...

The opening scene of Infernal Affairs originated from us... you didn't know that?

Wenhui's face... priceless...

I tried doing a priceless face... haha... not bad eh...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Attending SEP talks just reminds me more of how important CAP score is. Oh well...

The 15 mins when i was at the clinic made me saw 5 kids coming in with their parents. Haiz... stupid haze... makes me feel more like a kid.
My posts just hit 2900... it sure came a long way...

Feeling a little ill... throat in particular... but last night was miserable... oh wait.. no cos man u won 3-0... how can it be a miserable night... =p

Thankfully i've got a break today. Only need to go sch at 3 for the SEP talk... *prays hard*

Need to cut my hair... Probably this weekend...

Lunch time!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Many brought her thumbdrive to school today so i got more photos! But i can't seem to upload them...

Went to the dentist today and i think he's beginning the real movement of the teeth. Hurts pretty much today. Back to porridge and soupy diet again. Vball today was great. Even though there were only 5 of us(me, Bernard, Guan You, Joseph and Ting Kuang), i had lots of fun. Played 3 matches with the IVG vball team and it was great experience. They lent us one of their guys who is a damn zai setter la.

Quite tired now but got 1500 word draft to finish by thurs. Better to start today.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Some photos of the Mooncake cum Uniform party at Ter's house... once again... thanks dude!!

Offerings for Chang Er... i swear Wenhui looks hilarious here...

Shagged. Still doing my Geog Proj. JL's sleeping... and i don't know what else i can do already... so got to wait for her to wake up.

Went Dota-ing on fri aftnoon before we checked into The Regent Hotel.(Pui!) Everything was fun and happy until the marker stain issue came up. Until now, i still believe we should have insisted on not paying for it. 110 bucks isn't a small sum.

Shower at home then i came over Temasek Hall to do Geog proj. Did till about 8 plus before going Vivo City to watch World Trade Centre with Kenneth, Many, Chee Keong and Ernie... It's a damn good show i feel. Maybe i haven't really felt much when i first saw the WTC collapsed in 2001. That's why suddenly everything hit me... how drastic the impact was... how many people actually died... how much sorrow 2 planes caused...

But i've been re-enacting the John and Will scenes to JL ever since we came back. Go watch it if you are free!!

I am hungry...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Oh... and there's a uniform party at Terence's place tmr... haha... i haven't wore my CJ uniform for a long long time... hope there's no mushrooms...

And i've got another 1500 essay for JS proj... we decided to split up topics to do... ahhh well...

When it's time to study and do work, i will study and do work... when it's time to play... WASSSSUPPP~!!!!
I went to attend this RP experiment the other day and it left me quite tired. Lots of alphabeths were flashed on the screen at an extremely short period of time... i think only about 3 secs and in between all these black alphabeths are 2 white alphabeths. So basically you got to pick out the 2 white alphabeths as they were flashed on the screen. And for some of them, there are random strange signs at the background for distraction purposes.

I finished the 1st set in about 10 mins and i thought i was done, so i went to the coordinator to tell him and he told me got 18 sets. Do you know how taxing 18 sets are???

I experimented with different ways of looking at the letters... and i realised looking from a further distance is easier. Oh that guy promised me 5 bucks too if i scored above 80% in the end... which i didn't... only got about 73%... damn... but it wasn't easy lor... sometimes at the end of 1 flash... you only have a very brief glance of the 1st letter and none of the 2nd...

And i realised that i kept on believing that saw the "v" letter even though it wasn't flashed. "H", "M" and "W" look highly similar. "A" and "B" also which i've got no idea why... and "Y" and "T"...

Haha but overall it was interesting ... and i've got 7 points already!! =)

Monday, October 09, 2006

It's RP madness!! Haha...

Handed up my Psych tem paper today. I was such a cock la.. couldn't find the box until some student came in and drop her paper in. Did 2 RPs Wonder whether next time i would need to conduct them. Forgot to bring everything except for final paper draft for english and together with 3 others, we got "ostracised" for doing our work too early. Did some peer review and found out some mistakes, so going to rewrite some parts now.

Geog Proj due in a week. Going to try do as much of it tmr after JS tute.

Happy for a good friend ... =)

And i realised i like white skirts!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oh my gosh... the Physical Geog lecturer is plain funny. She just got her doctorate or something and came back to teach.

Firstly, she doesn't look at the usual screen in front of her which displays what is shown on the big screen shown to us. She looks at the same screen as us, thus having her back towards us.

Secondly, she said some negative stuff about the computers in NUS being slow... then she immediately said she shouldn't have said that because this is all recorded in the webcast... i swear i could hear the laughter the students from the webcast...

Haha... i didn't go for the lecture but Jialin said it was very boring... ah well... lucky my physical geog not too jialat...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I am pissed at how this kind of unnecessary misunderstandings always occur.

Yesterday's movie was an outing of friends. Cass, Ter, Kenneth, Bryant, Jialin, Many and Me... NO SPECIFIC GROUP or what... not lacoste or tailwind or what...

Tze: If you are pissed about the fact that we didn't ask you... i want you to know that i didn't ask Alison either. It was an impromptu movie outing and that's that. It was decided the day itself that we are watching the movie at 1130. It was i who decided to go get the tix beforehand. Jialin, Kenneth, Ter and Bryant only could confirm on going on that day.

I believe we all have our own friends and we have the right to choose who to go out with.

This bo jio thingie is getting into me. If i make it a point to mix more with my friends and indirectly influencing them to ask me out when there's an outing, i think it's on my part that i put in effort.

If people don't ask me for their outings, i accept it as a fact that they don't want me there... or simply they've just missed my name.
For Google Earth and other satellite imaging web sites that allow me to see my area of residence, my house is always blocked by this bloody piece of cloud. Always. Permanently. Forever.

Somemore not like my house very shady.

Caught Rob-b-hood last night. Hilarious. It was real funny at most parts, but i thought some parts were let down by unnecessary plot and poor acting. But the baby's damn cute!!!! Makes you want to have a baby and that baby never grows up... haha.... Went to Crystal Jade at Holland V for porridge after that... and i swear hot tasty porridge at 3 in the morning is good for the soul...

I am in need of Dota/Mahjong therapy. Even though i've not been mugging much. Seriously the Psych MCQ test pulled me down to earth. Made me realise how much i don't know. =(

And while reading today's Straits Times about the 25 youths, i had this aimless feeling... this lack of goal and motivation feeling in me... I think i think too much for a 1st sem student.

Just take it as they come ba...

Friday, October 06, 2006

? Lah™ ¿?~ ... Gorgeously Kuku ... so apt ... ~¿? ~° says: (9:25:05 PM)
but i want to watch cos i like jackie chan movies
|[ B3LLIES]| alisonnnnn says: (9:25:37 PM)
haha isit a local movie?
? Lah™ ¿?~ ... Gorgeously Kuku ... so apt ... ~¿? ~° says: (9:25:53 PM)
? Lah™ ¿?~ ... Gorgeously Kuku ... so apt ... ~¿? ~° says: (9:25:57 PM)
erm no
? Lah™ ¿?~ ... Gorgeously Kuku ... so apt ... ~¿? ~° says: (9:26:04 PM)
jackie chan you know who?
? Lah™ ¿?~ ... Gorgeously Kuku ... so apt ... ~¿? ~° says: (9:26:08 PM)
not jack neo leh

Now i know why Alison is the Syndrome of all Syndromes ...
Got some stuff to blog but those thoughts just pass and go. Furthermore they aren't nothing much so i will just let them go.

Going for movie later tonight. Skipped my 1st 2 lectures today ever since bash. And i think i should have free days. Free days make me study. It's kind of a psychological thing that when i've GONE SCHOOL and PAY ATTENTION during lectures, i've done most of my part for that day and tend to study less when i am home. It's like there is this criteria to meet everyday, and like for today when i didn't go school, i got this enormous appetite to do my essays and study.

Haha... sucks man... like i should study much more on those days when i have gone to school... but haiz...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Oh i forgot to mention this but yesterday seemed to be the day for girls to dress revealing. =p

Hmmm ... Tuesday ...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am so drained. Last night was bad. Coffee and then sleep straight after that is a lethal combination. I woke up at 1030 and couldn't get back to sleep until like 4am.

Psych test today went alright, but wasn't as good as i hoped. Shows that there is a lot of stuff i am confused about. Reading is one thing. Putting them into memory is another.

After that had Geog consultation with Dr Chang and then Jialin got to run off cos her fridge arrived at her room and then i had JS tute at 3. Completely forgot that today doesn't have lesson and there was consultation instead with Dr Hislop... so he commented on our proposal and gave suggestions.

Went back to Geog consultation after that which ended off with us having a pretty much clear outline of our project. Then that girl never eat and then looked like almost going to faint so we quickly went to buy food... =p Went back her room and then i KOed for awhile.

Think i fell asleep cos suddenly Many, Key and Barry appeared in the room for the Changing Landscape discussion... which also ended off good...

Yay... was thinking about these projects but now after all the consultations, i feel that they are all on the right track. =)
I got this from Leanna's blog and hey(if you happen to read this)... don't mind me posting it here cos i think it is such a wonderful and truthfully-written piece...

"What's a Meantime Girl?
She's the one you call when you're bored because she makes you laugh. She's the one you talk to when you're feeling down because she's willing to lend an ear and be a friend.

She's not the one you call when you need a date to your company's Christmas party, or to go dancing with on a Saturday night. She's the one you spend time with between girlfriends, before you find "The One". You know, the one who you keep around in the meantime.

She's not one of the guys, not a tomboy, but you don't look at her as a "real" woman, either. She's not bitchy enough, moody enough, or sexy enough to be seen in that light. She's too laid-back, too easily amused by the same things your male buddies are amused by. She's too understanding, too comfortable.

She doesn't make you feel nervous or excited the way a "real" woman does. But she's cool, and nice, and funny, and attractive enough that when you're lonely or horny and need intimate female companionship, she'll do just fine. You don't have to wine and dine her because she knows the real you already, and you don't have any facades to keep up, no pretenses to preserve.

You're not trying to get anything of substance out of her. She's not easy, but you know that she cares about you and is attracted to you, and that she'll give you the intimacy you need. And you know you don't have to explain yourself or the situation, that she'll be able to cope with the fact that this isn't the beginning of a relationship or that there's any possibility that you have any real romantic feelings for her.

It won't bother her that you'll get up in the morning, put on your pants, say goodbye, and go on a date with the woman you've been mooning over for weeks who finally agreed to go out with you. She'll settle for a goodbye hug and a promise to call her and tell her how the date went. She's just so cool . . . why can't all women be like that?!

But deep down, if you really think about it (which you probably don't because to you, the situation between the two of you isn't important enough to merit any real thought), you know that it's really not fair. You know that although she would never say it, it hurts her to know that despite all her good points and all the fun you two have, you don't think she's good enough to spend any real time with. Sure, it's mostly her fault, because she doesn't have to give in to your needs.

She could play the hard-to-get bitch like the rest of them do, if she really wanted to. But you and she both know that she probably couldn't pull it off. Maybe she's too short, or a little overweight, or has a big birthmark on her forehead, or works at Taco Bell.

Whatever the reason, somehow life has given her a lot of really great qualities but has left out the ones that men want (or think they want) in a woman. So she remains forever the funny friend, the steadfast companion, the secret lover, and you go on searching for your goddess who will somehow be everything you ever wanted in a woman.

You'll joke to her that she should be the best man at your wedding, and she'll laugh and make a joke about a smelly rental tux. She doesn't captivate you with her beauty, or open doors with her smile. Mainly she blends in with the crowd. She's safe. She doesn't want to be the center of attention and turn the heads of everyone in the room. But she wants to turn someone's head. She wants to be special to someone, too. We all do.

She has feelings. She has a heart. In fact, she probably has a bigger and better heart than any woman you've ever known because she's had a front-row seat to The Mess That Is Your Life, and she likes you anyway. She obviously sees something worthwhile and redeeming in you because although you've given her nothing, absolutely no reason to still be around, she is."

So ... is there a Meantime Boy? I guess probably... what with gender differences and all... =)

Monday, October 02, 2006

The last few days of term break went by quite quickly... Don't remember much of Thurs and Fri except had dinner with my cousins on Fri. Everyone's like saying i've grown skinnier... oh well...

Sat went for AEF at VCH with the rest of the class. A Singaporean won the open category so that's good... Managed to talk to laoshi for awhile too...

Went down to Amara Hotel for coach training after that. Felt that it was quite a waste of time so i skipped that today. Needed to study for my Psych test too.

And i still got 1 chapter to go!!

Man U just won against Newcastle. Pretty good performance and it was interesting to see when Ronaldo would score. 2 times against the posts and once against the crossbar... but seriously, he's damn good.

Found an article about taxis so i thought that can be added into the Geog proj as a reason for the overwhelming traffic.

Back to my work~