I've been thinking ...
That perhaps tmr i might wake up and have some kind of power.
Maybe i could fly, or maybe i could phase through solid walls, maybe i could heal all kind of wounds, or better still i could turn myself invisible.
I've been doing my best to move my mouse telekinetically. But it doesn't bulge even a bit. =(
I should start with smaller stuff first i guess. I just thought it would be cool to surf the net or play dota while eating my lunch simultaneously.
New York has Spiderman. Gotham City has Batman. Does Yio Chu Kang need me?
Anyway, i've watched a couple of shows where they all had this plot about time travel. It's always about changing something in the past so that the future will change for the better.
Then somehow they will talk about the "future you" and "past you". And like in Heroes, "future Hiro" meets "current Hiro". And the talk about the "future you" coming back in time and changing the past(as compared to when you come from), or the current depending on how you look at it. Aye?
And they always say the "future-you" cannot meet the "you" of other times because it will upset some balance thing.
So... i've been thinking and i wonder how many "Me-s" are there if such things truly exist.
Lets say i have the power to bend space and time and thus i travel back 1 day.
By right, i should be able to see the "1-day-younger-Me", no?
So my question is, do they split it(me) up by seconds, minutes, days or what?
I don't think seconds and minutes work... cos if 10 seconds ago i walked into the room and plan to sit on the couch for 10 mins, then i should be able to see the "future-Me", sitting on the couch. Thus the balance will be upset and life will be disrupted.
How about a month? If i travel back by a month, do i get to see the me-a-month-ago?
What if i remain at a place for damn damn long?
Or another concept that i got from somewhere is that... when you time travel back to that time, you ENTER the body of YOURSELF of that time.
Erm.. sorry sounds kind of cheem but if you get it, shiok!
Then like that what if another YOU of another time could time travel also, and both him and you travel to the exact same time?
I know! Split personality!
" I come in peace ... " =)