Thursday, November 30, 2006

Disastrous. I need a lot a lot of luck to pass the JS paper.

Feeling so devastated that i don't see the point in going to the library to study. Came home to rot.

Interesting how after yesterday's paper, i was all pumped up to study because i enjoy the feeling of knowing how to do. After today's paper, it just makes me want to give up all together.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

If there is a feeling of unwillingness, don't do it at all. And don't tell me there isn't, because there is.

Just to make me happy? Nah i would rather you do things that you are happy for.
I am terribly tired today. Last night waking sleeping waking sleeping didn't help much for a draining 2 hours geog paper. Yet why do i still do things willingly for the people around me?

I am always emphasizing on the importance health. Why? Because i feel that when a person is healthy and happy, then he has more time in his life. I thought it is pretty sweet living to an old age hand in hand with your partner. What if the other half left you and you still got 10 more years of life to go?

I've always tried approaching things from positive angles... doing things willingly and trying as hard as i can...

Because i thought if i am going to do those things unwillingly, then there would be plenty of stress and irritability, and that definitely wouldn't make me happy and healthy.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Well... been studying hard the past few days... maybe not as hard as most people... but i've got more confidence in my exams now!! Got a B- for my JS proj... which i think is lousy cos i was expecting an A... but i went through the stack and there were mostly Cs... highest was an A-... sooo... probably not too bad la... but i was still expecting at least an A-... RAH~

Went to watch Man U vs Chelsea 2 days back with Fred, yf and wf. Was supposed to meet at 1030 at lau pa sat for supper but yf was still waiting for wf at that time. Haha... but it was good talking to fred... we always seem to have stuff to talk about...

I thought Saha scored a superb goal... but the goal Man U conceded was kind of... soft? Like ok la... cannot be prevented... but like what the newpaper said.. saha should have jumped faster and higher... then maybe his head will crash against the crossbar and he will have a concussion... =x

Bought FFXII... but it's lying there... bi came over that day and i started playing cos i wanted to see how it's like at the beginning... then she played a bit until the tomato man there... haha... I wanna exams to be over so i can play game!!!

Thanks Jialin for the pocky. Next time i buy 10 for you. For good luck also. =p

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Big toe having some skin thing AGAIN!


Exams start tmr. Wish me luck! I can do it!! Jiayou jiayou jiayou!! Haha...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It’s at weird times like these when I think of funny stuff. I was just snuggling up in bed ready to go to sleep when I started missing camp. And by this I mean army camp. Having ORDed for nearly 6 months… I think it’s time I miss army. =)

I’ve always remembered my first reactions when I got to Seletar Camp. I was like… shit man this place is even older than BMTC. I don’t remember seeing such old hangars anywhere anymore… and seriously, I didn’t quite like the idea of spending the rest of my army term there. And there were the nasty sergeants instructors there, who barked at us and the dreadful ‘ritual’ of first night when we were all tekan jialat jialat.


I was practically cursing the whole night and lamenting and scolding all of them and their mothers and who knows what…

And I was thinking the entrance of the camp is damn far away… and somemore I don’t know how to get there… so shitty…

But honestly, I am missing everything of it now. I’ve grown to love the camp. It had became a 2nd home to me… like what I learnt in geog… a sense of place has developed. The smell. The feeling. The outlook. They are all familiar.

I would never forget the night when we all went on the assault boats. I miss the smell of the sea. I miss the old rusty smell of hangar 15. I miss training with the cadets. I miss all the upstaking. Never mind the pain and torture we had to endure at 2am in the morning. At the end of the day, just like what Warrant Tan always said… “you jing wu xian, you dao wu dian” (got shocks no danger, it’s 5pm once again) =p We all just look forward to some sleep in our sponge(literally) mattress. And to think that I get to stay out after my posting to Armceg, I miss sleeping in those beds which gave us backaches in the morning.

I miss getting back to the bunk with soaked boots and socks and feet all wrinkled up.

And guess what… suddenly I am missing Zico. Haha… but somehow I know I will always remember him. Even though we haven’t talked for ages… I know that if we meet on the street… he will confirm say “CCB!! Haven’t die yet ar…” I miss the BSS days sia… taking the long walk to office… passing by hangar 15 and thinking about the good old days and feeling a tinge of sadness that my batch was the last batch to go through C & A.

Missing cycling past the slipway… smelling the sea(again) and eating at Ah Ho. Having all the games in the morning. Playing street soccer with Ivan, Andrew, Albert, Lova, JC. Playing crazy bball(cos I ain’t good) with Gary… shit man I miss Gary. Hey dude you better take care of yourself over at Taiwan… when you come back in a year time I will treat you to the 18 packets of milo ping I owed you. =p And I promise I will win them all back.

I miss the office times. The dai di. The risk. The Chinese chess. The hangar soccer. The sleeping. Honestly it nuts. We did so many memorable things. Burning of grass. Zico’s hair kena fire. Plucking rambutan and mangosteen(you must know that my office is like a kampong). Having wasabi wars. Washing the trailers. Greasing them. Getting all dirty. Getting all kancheong when a car drives in. Getting lectured by Gary when we all played too much. Getting kan by Mogan.

Oh… and driving the forklift around… =)

Oh well… it’s pretty good to think back on stuff like this and to appreciate all that has happened. Somehow it makes me treasure the guys more. The main group of us, not counting the new specs, only left Albert. He ord-ing soon… unless he dio DB(choi!)… wonder how the rest of them are doing… though I see Ivan every once in awhile in school…

I guess all the tension and stress from the upcoming exams are reasons for this sudden emotional outburst…

Ahhh … recollections …

Monday, November 20, 2006

I realised i am interested in the stress and health aspect of psychology. Hmmm... maybe this is telling me to do the clinical stuff...

Want to live longer?

I am sure many of you have heard of people suffering from heart attacks, cancer, tumours and other much dreaded diseases. No one wishes to have them. Same goes for me. So i hope this post will help many people because i believe we are in control of our own lives. We do have control of our own health.

Also, this is a revision for me, so ya... =)

There are 4 types of personality. Type A refers to people who are WORKAHOLICS. They are very competitive, ambitious, hate to waste time and are EASILY ANNOYED. There is a constant sense of pressure and a strong tendency to try to do several things at once. Often successful but frequently unsatisfied, they always seem to want to go faster and do more, and they get EASILY UPSET over small things.

Type B people are not that competitive or driven, tend to be easygoing and slow to anger, and seem RELAXED and at PEACE. Type B people are more likely to take a book to the beach to cover their face than to actually read the book.

Researchers have found that people who live to be very old, into their nineties and even over 100 years, tend to be relaxed, easygoing, cheerful and active. People who have opposite personality traits such as aggressiveness, stubbornness, inflexibility and tenseness typically do not live as long as the average life expectancy.

The Framingham Heart Study found that the risk of coronary heart disease for women who work and are also Type A is FOUR TIMES that of Type B working women.

There are numerous studies supporting the link between hostility and increased risk of coronary heart disease. A study of hostility levels and risk factors for heart disease in over 4000 young adults found that increases in hostility over a five-year follow-up study were associated with a rise in high blood pressure, one of the major risk factors of heart disease.

Another study of anger in young men and their risk for premature heart disease found that over a period of slightly more than three decades, the young men who had exhibited high levels of hostility in their youth were far more likely to develop premature cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attacks, than those men who had lower levels of anger and hostility.

Similar studies found that hostility in college-aged male and females was significantly related to increased risk of heart disease, particularly if levels of hostility rose in middle age.

Type C people tend to be very PLEASANT and TRY to keep the peace but find it difficult to EXPRESS EMOTIONS, especially negative ones. They tend to INTERNALIZE their anger and often experience a sense of DESPAIR over the loss of a loved one or loss of hope. They are often LONELY.

These personality characteristics are strongly associated with CANCER, and people who have cancer and this personality type often have thicker cancerous tumors as well. The internalized negative emotions of the Type C personality may increase the levels of harmful stress hormones, weaken the immune system and slow recovery.

Well... I don't wish to die so quickly... or rather, i wish to live long. I wish to live and watch my grandchildren grow up. I wish to live and see Singapore celebrate her 100 years old. I don't wish to suffer all the lousy diseases. =)

Type 4 is the Hardy Personality. I believe this is the type of personality we should all strive to achieve(not to say I am forcing you to change who you are but well it's up to you).

Hardy people differ from ordinary, hostile Type A people and others who suffer more ill effects due to stress in three ways:
-Hardy people have a deep sense of COMMITMENT to their values, beliefs, sense of identity, work and family life.
-Hardy people also feel that they are in CONTROL of their lives and what happens to them.(SEE!! We are all in control of our lives!)
-Hardy people tend to interpret events in primary appraisal differently than people who are not hardy. They do not see a frightening problem to be avoided but instead a CHALLENGE to be met and answered.

Explaining the 3 above points, COMMITMENT makes a person more willing to make sacrifices and deal with hardships than if commitment were lacking. Think about it: Have you ever had a job that you hated? Every little frustration were very stressful, right? Now think about doing something you love to do. =)

Uncontrollability is one of the major factors cited as increasing stress, because you do not know when it might happen. Thus, if you FEEL that you are in CONTROL, you will experience lesser stress. Just tell yourself... You are always in control of the things that might happen anytime.

Seeing events as CHALLENGES rather than problems also changes the level of stress experienced, a difference similar to that felt when riding a roller coaster: If riding a coaster is your own idea, it's fun; if someone makes you ride it, it's not fun anymore.

Moving on... Optimists and Pessimists.

Researchers have found that optimism is associated with longer life and increased immune system functioning. (DON'T YOU WANT INCREASED IMMUNE SYSTEM FUNCTIONING???? Therefore, always look on the bright side of life!)

AND THIS... The results for pessimists were NOT GOOD: They had a much higher death rate than did the optimists, and those that were still living had more problems with physical and emotional health, more pain, less ability to take part in social activities and less energy than optimists. (You don't want to rot your time away right?)

To put it simply, do you prefer to be sad/angsty/depressed/feeling shitty/always having this feeling of impending doom... OR simply being happy?

An earlier study linked being optimistic to higher levels of helper T cells(immune system cells that direct and increase the functioning of the immune system) and higher levels of natural killer cells, the body's antivirus, anticancer cells.(Throw the bad stuff OUT OF THE WINDOW!! BRING THE GOOD STUFF IN!!)

What do OPTIMISTS have that PESSIMISTS don't?
1) Optimists are less likely to develop learned helplessness, the tendency to stop trying to achieve a goal that has been blocked in the past.
2) Optimists are more likely than pessimists to TAKE CARE OF THEIR HEALTH by preventive measures(YAY I AM AN OPTIMIST!) such as going to the doctor regularly and eating right because they believe that their actions make a difference in what happens to them. (This is a characteristic of hardy people as well.)
3) Optimists are far less likely than pessimists to become depressed and depression is associated with mortality because of the effect of depression on the immune system.
4) Optimists have more effectively functioning immune systems than pessimists, perhaps because they experience less psychological stress.

Seligman (1998) has also found that optimists are MORE SUCCESSFUL in their life endeavors than pessimists. Optimistic politicians win more elections, optimistic students get better grades(WHOA!), and optimistic athletes win more conpetitions.

Dr. Susn Vaughan (2000) has some good advice on keeping a positive outlook:
- Alternative thinking: Optimists tend to take bad things that happen less personally, (reminded me of AK's clearance of space..."throw away the bad feelings... because they are useless..."), often coming up with alternative explanations for why the bad thing happened.

- Downward social comparison: Many people make themselves feel better by comparing their performance to that of less competent others, making them feel better and protecting self-esteem. BUT... I know my mum always tell me not to compare with those who are lousier... so for this point to work... you need to work hard first and only when you are truly good, you can compare yourself with less competent others. However, if you are not that good, always have high self-esteem because only then, you would be able to know that you can do it.

- Relaxation: Optimists use relaxation as a way to improve mood, such as exercising, meditating, reading a good book... or PLAYING DOTA!!! =p

So finally, here's a plan to become an optimistic thinker:
1) When a bad mood strikes, stop and think about what just went through you head.
2) When you have recognized the negative statements, treat them as if they came from someone else - someone who is trying to make your life miserable. Think about the damage the statement is doing to YOU.
3) Argue with those thoughts. CHALLENGE each negative statement and replace it with a more POSITIVE one.

Well... I don't know why i typed all these out but somehow i feel that as many people should know as possible. I want everyone to live long long and be happy and there will be lesser wars and disputes and when lesser people die from lousy diseases, lesser people will be sad and there will be more HAPPY AIR. The world will be a better place to live in and so here i am asking a small small favour from you cos i know not many people read my blog(If you managed to read till here), copy and spread this around and erm... so that people will all know how to live longer? Haha... See you in 60 years time and we can all sit down and enjoy a cup of tea together!


Copyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458
Oh well... i thought i would take a break and ... maybe write some stuff...

Then i was thinking how fast this sem went by. I thought i was having fun in the orientation camps and stuff and starting to know some new people when suddenly, lectures and tutes end and i am left with notes and notes and more notes. Got a 23/30 for my psych mid term. Alright la. An A's within reach. Same for geog too. Haha but better not have too high hopes for fear of big big disappointment.

So... I've been studying. Yeah.. a bit here and there... Later gonna continue awhile more then sleep late tmr till perhaps noon then go down school to study.

Last thurs while on the way to Odeon Towers, I left NUS a bit late... like around 6. And the news of Bush coming to Spore had already filtered to around. Then Cass said she didn't want to stay to study cos she was afraid she might get stuck in school because of all the road diversion and blockages. But well... when i was leaving... all the bright neon yellow traffic police were around directing traffic and before you say wassup, i was cursing away already.

For those who doesn't know, i hate/ABHOR traffic jams/slow traffic.

So i thought shit man i would be late... then when i reached the AYE, and i was on the right lane, suddenly this TP biker with his flashing red and blue lights travelling at 120 km/hr came zooming up and everyone had to clear the lane. I was like hmmm okie...

Then another biker came... and then another... and then some joker tried to keep back to the right lane and kena point point say say by the mean TP biker. So i thought.... hmmmm wow....

Then suddenly... as i think 4 or 5 bikes went all the way to the front which i couldn't see except maybe for the last 2... the bike behind me signalled to the 2nd car behind me to slow down... and so me and this lucky chap behind me sped away... and i was like... shiioookk... heng i drove quick enough or else kena blocked liao... cos apparently some convoy(don't know whether the US prez was inside or not) was on its way past and it was damn spectacular and awesome la...

And i was like.... shit man... i pray that nothing ever happens to that guy while he's here or else the past 40 years of history of this little island will come to nothing...

All the overhead bridges had police stationed on top but i was thinking what if some terrorist hid in the bushes along the expressway divider... i mean if you are all camou up.... it's quite hard to see lor...

Haha... okie back to study...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Realised i've been attending an increased number of weddings in recent years. Ahhh all these growing up and lovey dovey stuff.

Feeling lazy to blog cos i should be studying but i am tired.

And feeling a little disappointed that the human geog proj isn't put up in the 'blast from the past' folder... but there are only 10... so i guess they are the A+...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Got back my human geog expressway project today. Damn happy. Took some risks and they all paid off. Yay! =)

Study hard people!! All the best for exams!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sometimes the most ambivalent stuff hit me at the most unlikely time.

I off my phone and Sy asked me why. The main reason is that it's battery is like 2/3 full and well i know it will last me till i get home tmr, but I've never liked to run the risk that my phone died. Don't know why. Bad habit. But probably because I don't like it when people is unable to contact me. So i off it to be really really safe that it will still have life in it when i get home tmr.

I know i can charge it because she has a charger here but i don't like charging my phone very often cos i've been doing that and the battery's dying. You should only charge it when it's empty so as to prolong the battery's life.

So yea... i off my phone.

And i told her that handphones are machines too and that like your laptop, you can't possibly leave it on for days and weeks(you can but i don't think it's very healthy for the machine)... awww... me getting all emo and clingy to something metal and dead huh...

What i am saying is... how many of you have actually left your phone on for weeks or months?? Ya the thought never crosses your mind, neither mine, about offing it... because well... phones doesn't heat up and aren't phones meant to be on 24 hours so that people can contact you when they need to?

Well... then what is the "OFF" button for?


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Are they really putting subtitles for news?


MacDonald's breakfast no more today cos the gf woke up late.. =p But it's really alright la... =)

SK4 is cancelled... which made me kind of sad... meaning no sk for me this dec hols... I really love kids you know...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The gf is back. So I am happy again. Haha... sounds like i was never happy...

She went with me to school today and met more friends then she meet even in town. =p

We went to watch Step Up after that which was good.

Okay. Time for a shower now then study.

I've got cravings for soccer and dota.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Golden Arches theory of conflict resolution

Build a MacDonald's in the country.

"No countries with MacDonald's in them has ever gone to war with each other."

Hmmm... why not build a MacDonald's each in Iran and Iraq?
Stress and Health

Stress is the term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging. Stress-causing events are called stressors.

They are 2 types of stressors. Distress: Occurs when people experience unpleasant stressors. Eustress: Results from positive events that still make demands on a person to adapt or change, or recently defined as the optimal amount of stress that people need to promote health and well being.

Cognitive view of stress.
-Primary appraisal: Involves estimating the severity of the stressor and classifying it as a threat, a challenge, or a harm or loss that has already occurred.
-Secondary appraisal: People who have identified a threat or harmful effect must estimate the resources that they have for coping with the stressor. If resources are perceived as adequate, then the degree of stress will be considerably less than if resources are missing or lacking.

Sources of stress.
-Pressure: Urgent demands or expectations for a person's behavior coming from an outside source
-Uncontrollability: Degree of control that the person has over a particular event or situation. Lesser the control, greater the degree of stress.
-Frustration: External and Internal frustrations. External frustrations are things such as losses, rejections, failures and delays. Internal frustrations occur when a goal or need cannot be attained because of internal or personal characteristics.
-Aggression: Actions meant to harm or destroy. Closely linked to frustration. Aggression is a frequent and persistent response to frustration. Displaced aggression is a form of displacement, shown by expressing one's stress obtained from A to another person B, who is often less threatening or weaker.

Coping with Stress.
-Problem-focused coping: When people try to eliminate the source of a stress or reduce its impact through their own actions.
-Emotion-focused coping: A strategy that involves changing the way a person feels or emotionally reacts to a stressor.
-Ignore it. When it is not possible to change or eliminate the stressor, or when worrying about the stressor can be a problem itself, ignoring the problem is not a bad idea.

There is too much now. One's enough. Bye world.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am convinced that i am not an easy to person to get along with.

Do not get close to me because when you do, the norm of reciprocity sets in and also, i will treat you as how i see good friends should treat each other, ie. Do away with all the formalities and unneccessities(if there's such a thing). And when it does, i am usually expecting very high returns. Not to even say i am very mean. I don't wait for your food to come and i will eat mine first because if yours come first, i will want you to eat yours first.

Being good friends also means being real straight. Maybe you can say i should be more tactful, but that's like beating around the bush.

When we were at Gelare, and knowing that Meiling's birthday is this friday, somehow i know i won't see her(now i know they are planning a dinner), i told her that i will treat her to ice cream. But my ice cream waffle came, and fyi, i don't like hot food that's gone cold or basically food that isn't what they ought to be... so i wanted to eat my nice frozen ice cream then, and i didn't want to go to the counter and pay for her ice cream, i just pass her the money and tell her to go and buy.

Weird? Awkward?

Sure it's like 'abnormal'... but i think it's very utilitarianism... it does benefit everyone at the end, no? I want to feel good that at least i've done my part for her birthday, and she won't be unhappy about having an extra ice cream... even though she did voice that it's a bit paiseh... but who isnt... just don't be paiseh with me...

Maybe you can say it's kind of insincere. Welllz... in a way it is... like giving her money to buy ice cream and then throwing the whole concept of buying a present out of the window is definitely easy... but doesn't sincerity come from the heart? And moreover, i believe i only see her once a week and that's every tuesday...

Again, you might say i can always take some time out and go and look for her present... but there isn't much time i've got... exams are in 2 weeks. Then you will say... ahhhh insincere...

Haha... looks like i am fighting a losing case here... =)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Jialin gave me a present today... which left me quite surprised. Although it isn't something big, but it made me appreciate her friendship. Even though i don't use a correction tape cos i will usually just cancel, the letter made me smile.

I asked her a question yesterday. Am i a person who is very hard to get along with?

But i must say for me to reach this stage with another person, it would have taken a much longer time. I mean... ok not all the bad stuff(but seriously all those are just jokes and plain playfulness)... but for me to be so at ease... and precisely because i am at ease... then can you truly see the real me. If not as i've said... i won't even be fierce or angry or make fun at you.

Well... I am lazy to write a reply so i am gonna type it here... =p Anyway, I am glad that i know you during arts camp and that i've got you around for 4 of my modules. I know i've been really nasty and unfriendly and fierce and insensible, but you've put up with that and have chose to understand me better. Even today's remarks about what i will reply if you ask me to go ikea with you is ALMOST correct. I WILL go ok... if you ask nicely... haha... =p And it hit me yesterday when we were in Kenneth's room about how all my group projects i've got friends doing with me... especially you being part of my CL, Human and Phy Geog, English projects... and i've been an unreasonable group member who kept on saying "Kuai dian kuai dian!!" and claiming credit... but i am sure now you know that this is my nature and my personality. Please don't take my "Not happy then don't be friend lor" thing seriously k... I think if in my NUS life got no more JAMEELA... i'll be less happier person. =)

So stay happy... oh... just be a happy hello kitty la... and don't worry... next sem i will still be bugging you...
Zzz... Tired. But finally finished doing all the projects and essays for this semester.

Went to Gelare just now for some ice cream. Then after that I went to Shell to pump some petrol and also get a car wash. But the Shell at Newton doesn't have the dryer machine so the guys there use cloth to dry the car. I was really impressed and i was thinking if i can spend 5 bucks on an ice cream, why not give a bit more to others who might need the money more.

Not to say that i am generous or what... but after that i feel good... i feel that he earned it. He even polished the wheels when the young dudes at Bishan don't. I think from now on I will let those hardworking people earn my money instead.

Exams in 2 and a half weeks!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Enough of Philo essays. No more. Ditto. -ROARRRR-

Went back to school today to do up on the JS proj. I like going to school on sundays... cos can park anywhere and the place is quite empty... and i had macdonald's BREAKFAST~!!! That's like... my all-time craving.. together with japanese food and bubble tea la... =p

Tmr do finish Phy Geog proj then NO MORE PROJECTS AND ESSAYS FOR THIS SEM~!!! YAHOOO~!!

Shall then concentrate on my final exams... except that... 5 days!!!!!!!! =))))))) *tinge of excitement*

Yesterday went for Dota in the afternoon... then went to OCC for Yihan's 21st bday. Hey dude... hope you like that bag!! Had quite a bit of fun there meeting the rest of the council people... meeting shaun 'admin' goh and having that awesome conversation with him. It just proves that he is one of those guys that i click instantly with... haha must be the forklift course we both went through together... he always forking my backie man... =p

After that, Gary, Trina, Kenneth, Minsi, Ariel, Dennis and me drove to the nearby Seletar Dam. We met some jokes about the ahem hotel which appeared on yest's papers... Hopefully from now on the hotel will be treat its guest more tactfully. Anyway, too bad it wasn't windy.

Went down to Chomp Chomp for some supper... then we went to Trina's house for some bluff... haha... Pretty good day... =)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Joke ...

Rene Descartes once said this, "I think, therefore I exist."

"Descartes is sitting in a bar, having a drink. The bartender asks him if he would like another. "I think not," he says, and vanishes."

After that, he changed it to "I am, I exist."

Friday, November 03, 2006

I think i am too straightforward. But that's how i treat people close to me. I don't beat around the bush.

I am mostly only concerned about the end-product, the outcome or the consequence.

And to think that I am taught on framing... ahhh... the importance of framing...

Well... it's the way i am like. I don't like people to go round in circles, although sometimes if there is more to it, i would like to know of the details as well.

But in the example of just promoting a product, i cut back on all the necessary stuff in the middle and just get straight to the eventual point. Yeah... improvement on your liver, kidney, skin, colon blah blah blah... and overall... obvious improvement to health...

It's like a complicated maths problem... i end up not doing all the steps in between and just give the answer, resulting in a negative outcome.
Have you ever thought of being skeptical to the things around you?

I am sure you have...

How about being skeptical to your own existence?

Being truly able to see, hear, touch, smell and taste the things around you proves that you and the things around you are real. Yet, how do you know your hand is yours? =)

Or how do you know that you aren't living in the matrix?

Descartes' take on our existence, "I think, I exist." sums up that we are all thinking things. But... at this point i don't know how to continue...

It's amusing how I am skeptical to so many things around me, but I've never doubted on our existence. I mean like we wake up, and we feel like shit because we got to wake up so early, but we force ourselves up, and we think that it is our responsibility to pack our beds so we go and do it, and we meet our friends and we buy them presents because we like to see them happy and at night we get back home, we have a good talk with our parents and sometimes we feel sad because we didn't do well in our tests, or you fell down and cut your leg and your bleed...

Well... my point is that all these made us very much alive. Very much existing.

Yet... there's this point that somehow overrides all arguments(or maybe i'm very much mistaken or that i haven't thought of others)... As Descartes try to bring forward, imagine this cunning evil demon that is controlling all our thoughts. Everything is pre-planned. Your encounter with another person is planned. Your waking up is planned. Your perception of everything around you is controlled by this demon. You are hungry because it's planned. The food you eat are all fake because you are made to believe you are full. You are scolded by your teacher because his wife didn't have sex with him yesterday because she thought she had when in actual fact she was having sex with the demon. Basically everything is fake/make-believe/pseudo.



Okie... or maybe not a demon... how about you are dreaming now? You are going about doing everything but how do you know you are not dreaming? How do you know you are not in this one big dream?

Well... i am sure you talk in dreams right? You eat in dreams? You even sleep in dreams right? If you haven't, maybe you haven't dreamt of those yet.

So what makes you think you aren't dreaming now?

See i told you... it screws with you mind ...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The photos Many burned for me cannot work! =(

Terence lent me his WC3 cd... who got the frozen throne one?? Haha... and to think that i've got a philo paper due next monday.
Anyway his birthday today... so probably later going for dinner to celebrate.

Going to sleep now... zzz...